Michelle’s Journey: Overcoming Stage 3 Lipedema with Dr. Georgiou’s Expertise
Why did you decide on choosing Dr. Georgiou for surgery?
I had been following Dr Georgiou’s work with Dr Ghods and the team in Berlin for a number of years before his move back to Cyprus. Ultimately all the surgeons that I consulted with were brilliant – I was looking for a surgeon who would accept high BMI, would work to substantial lipoedema removal for best results and reduce the number of surgeries, surgery in a hospital with a fully functioning ICU in case of emergencies, hospital stay for a few days after the procedure, great communication at all stages of surgery, ability to carry out wider surgical procedures (such as a thigh lift), not a massive waiting list, and lastly, I was looking for a surgeon with a human touch who I could connect with. Ultimately I chose Dr G as I knew that he was already a brilliant surgeon, but I was really looking for someone who demonstrated high levels of understanding, empathy, someone who would walk with me on the biggest decision of my life, someone who I could trust to look after me and support me to make the right decisions. Dr G was all of that and more, it’s hard to put into words but when you haven’t been heard, supported, or directed your whole life with this condition, to meet someone who does, well that is life changing. I knew from our first consultation in my heart and in my gut that Dr G was the surgeon for me
Which procedure did you have?
So far I’ve had two procedures – my first surgery was lipoedema removal to the fronts of my legs, my second surgery was lipoedema removal to the backs of my legs. I am due to have my third surgery in eight weeks, this will be lipoedema removal to my back shelf, my hips, and my backside. Fourth surgery will be to finish lipoedema removal to my legs and then perform a thigh lift. Fifth surgery will be lipoedema removal to my arms, with a skin lift. Hopefully that will be me but we will see how the next three progress
Please give a short description of your surgical experience and postop recovery.
How do I provide a short description here 😊 I would say that my experience of surgery was initially nervewracking. I have to say though that Dr G and the team at the GMI are unbelievable. My stays in the hospital have so far been mostly uneventful, the care is first class, but the support is what really stands out. There is nothing that you can’t ask for or feel supported on. Post op recovery was also unbelievable, Dr G and Christos continue to be in touch and provide support whilst in Cyprus. Again, there is nothing that is too much of an ask and if you do need anything, they are unbelievably attentive. On my second surgery I did develop a couple of seromas which I needed help with, the care and attention was immediate which I know helped to prevent anything worse.
What concerns did you have about undergoing this procedure, and how did your surgeon assist in alleviating them?
I wouldn’t say I had any concerns. I had lots of questions and wanted to understand the procedures, as well as Dr G’s approach. He was really great in explaining everything, right down to some of the more simple questions that I might have about having surgery in Cyprus. The main aspect here is that Dr G is always available, and understands that great communication is everything pre and post op. This is hugely comforting when you are coming abroad to have surgery which can be daunting in its own right.
Explain why you are pleased with your decision to undergo this procedure. How has it positively affected your life and your self-esteem?
This one I will never be able to put into words other than to say it has been life changing for me, and I’m only part way through my journey. I just cannot wait (though trying not to wish the experience away) to be through my journey and to have completed all the surgeries. From a physical perspective, each surgery has led to improvements in my mobility, improvements in moving around, improvements in my ability to walk, to exercise, to carry out day to day activities. Pain levels are decreased, my knock knee deformity has all but gone, and I have more stamina to do tasks that previously I wouldn’t have been able to, or would have been very difficult. From a mental perspective, I think this has probably seen as big, if not a bigger change. While I am still on my journey, I am starting to feel a freeness to my thoughts and feelings. There is not the same burden or overwhelm at decisions when you are 24.5liters fuller with lipoedema. I’m starting to gain confidence in the way I look, the way I move, and there’s a hope for the future that I’d almost lost. It makes me emotional even now to think of it, it’s like years of a dark cloud are lifting, an emotional heaviness. I’m a fairly positive person and have always looked forward with optimism but this was the one area of my life that had held me back. I just can’t imagine what it will be like to be free of that, but I cannot wait to experience it.
Share the specific reasons why you are happy with your choice of surgeon. What are his most important qualities?
Dr G is one of those souls in life that you will always be grateful you have met. He is medically brilliant, an excellent surgeon, with a passion and commitment that just seeps from him. He is a truly exceptional surgeon. His surgical and professional excellence, skill and care, coupled with his dedication to patient needs sets him apart. He is honest, genuine, and has the kindest of souls. He is an excellent communicator, with the most compassionate and empathetic approach, making the entire experience supportive.
In what ways did our staff support you throughout your surgical experience?
In so many ways – everything from advice, to support, to care. Anything I needed was never too much trouble. This extended beyond surgical help and recovery also. Sometimes it was as simple as where can I buy under pads to save me bringing them. The biggest support came in keeping me organised, planned, and calm for the surgery. They were there to support me post op with anything I needed, and when I did need medical support they were always there.
Do you have any advice for those who are considering undergoing this procedure?
It’s a big decision to make, sometimes it can feel overwhelming. If I could say anything it is that you will not regret the surgery, or your decision to have Dr G and the team at GMI as your team. Watch the zoom call that is available on Dr G’s website, arrange the consult, reach out to the patient groups that are available at the Global level but also Dr G’s patient groups. For so long we have felt alone but there is truly people who can support us through this journey. Once you get everything in place, it feels exciting, and with every surgery, a new level of hope and freedom is felt. It is lifechanging. Don’t wait